04, Jul 2024
"Photodynamic sensitizers assay: A rapid and sensitive measurement"
Federico Döhle. Estudiante de Tesis de Licenciatura (tesina). Licenciatura en Química. UNR
13, Jun 2024
“Estudio por RMN de la interacción proteína-ligando: Regímenes de intercambio químico y cálculo de Kd ”
Phelippe do Carmo Goncalves, Groupleader MPLbioR.
06, Jun 2024
"Propiedades estructurales de a-Sinucleina en distintos contextos biológicos:Visualización 3D"
Phelippe do Carmo Goncalves, Groupleader MPLbioR.
16, May 2024
"Cell-based aggregation models of a-Synuclein"
William Queiroz. Licenciado en Química. Maestría en Química (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro)
11, Abr 2024
"Early and late steps of the a-Synuclein misfolding-aggregation landscape"
Claudio O. Fernández, Director del MPLbioR (CEI-MPINAT)
21, Mar 2024
"Modulation of a-Synuclein aggregation by small molecules"
Federico Döhle. Estudiante de Tesis de Licenciatura (tesina). Licenciatura en Química. UNR
07, Mar 2024
"Role of acetylation in aggregation and binding properties of a-Synuclein"
Fiamma A. Buratti, Estudiante del Doctorado Internacional Argentino-Alemán en Biociencias Moleculares y Biomedicina
24, Nov 2023
2-Development of cellular models for alpha-synuclein aggregation and toxicity: from primary neuron culture to cell-to-cell propagation studies.
Dr.Tiago Outeiro
23, Nov 2023
1-Post-translational modifications in alpha-synuclein: Implications for cell aggregation and toxicity.
Dr.Tiago Outeiro
27, Oct 2023
"Aggregation and toxicity of a- Synuclein in the context of lipid membranes: Implications and correlations with cellular and animal models of PD"
a cargo de la Dra. Nicola Böffinger
11, Sep 2023
“Detection of transient inter-chain interactions in the intrinsically disordered protein α-synuclein by NMR paramagnetic relaxation enhancement”
A cargo del Dr. Francisco J. Hita
14, Ago 2023
“Metaloquímica y metalobiología de la interacción de la proteína a-sinucleina con el ion metálico Al3+”
Estudiante PhD Dayanne Martins da Silva - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, Brasil. Departamento de Química.
13, Jul 2023
"The Y39E α-synuclein mutant – Structural insights, aggregation properties and toxicity”
A cargo de la estudiante doctoral, Böffinger Nicola
03, Jul 2023
 "The Protein Folding in the Cell Conference, July 10–15, 2022, Malahide, Ireland"
a cargo de la estudiante doctoral - Nicola Böffinger y del postdoc - Phelippe Do Carmo Goncalves.
26, Jun 2023
Effects of N-terminal Acetylation on the Aggregation of Disease-related a-synuclein
a cargo del estudiante postdoctoral - Francisco Hita.
24, Abr 2023
"Caracterización estructural de la interacción inhibitoria aS-PcTS y mecanismo molecular de su efecto antiamiloide".
Dr. Esteban Panozzo Zénere, Becario Postdoctoral
10, Abr 2023
Small molecules disaggregate alpha-synuclein and prevent seeding from patient brain-derived fibrils.
A cargo del Dr. Esteban Panozzo Zénere, Becario Postdoctoral
09, Mar 2023
"Biophysics of neurodegenerative diseases"
Sheena Radford, Astbury Professor of Biophysics and Royal Society Research Professor University of Leeds. Dorothee Dormann, Professor of Molecular Cell Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Adjunct Director at the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz Samrat Mukhopadhyay, Professor of Biology and Chemistry, Head, Department of Biological Sciences; Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali; Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai
06, Mar 2023
"Protein Aggregates and Cellular Toxicity: What is the Connection?"
Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari, Michigan Technological University, Houghton
06, Mar 2023
"New Methods to Visualize Protein Aggregation in Live Cells"
Dr. Xin Zhang, Westlake University, China
12, Dic 2022
"Atomic scale analysis of IDPs expressed in live mammalian cells, using in-cell NMR at 310 K"
Dr. Francois-Xavier Theillet - CNRS, France
12, Dic 2022
"Elucidating protein-protein interactions within phase-separated droplets by NMR"
Dr. Tae Hun Kim University of Toronto, Case Western Reserve University
05, Dic 2022
"Metal ions and protein aggregation: From the brain to the human lens"
Dr. Liliana Quintanar Cinvestav (Center for Research and Advanced Studies), Mexico City, México
05, Dic 2022
"Lipid Membrane Damage by Amyloid-Like Peptides: Insights from Unbiased All-Atom Simulations"
Dr. Christiano L. Dias - New Jersey Institute of Technology
24, Oct 2022
"Control of protein aggregation"
Dr. Thomas Michaels ETH, Zurich
24, Oct 2022
"Amylin (IAPP) Induced b-cell Death: From Molecular Biophysics to Potential Therapeutic Applications"
Dr. Daniel Raleigh Stony Brook University
17, Oct 2022
"Modulating co-translational protein folding by rational design and ribosome engineering"
Dr. Minkoo Ahn University College London, UK
17, Oct 2022
"Secondary nucleation in amyloid formation"
Dr. Sara Linse Lund University, Sweden
26, Sep 2022
"Revisiting the grammar of Huntingtin aggregation, inclusion formation and toxicity in Huntington’s disease"
Dr. Hilal Lashuel - EPFL, Switzerlan
26, Sep 2022
"Amyloids in signaling processes as seen by solid-state NMR"
Dr. Antoine Loquet - University of Bordeaux, France
19, Sep 2022
"Antimicrobial and Antifungal Saliva Protein Histatin 5"
Dr. Marie Skepö - Lund University, Sweden
19, Sep 2022
" Chaperoning protein aggregation diseases"
Dr. Stefan Rüdiger Utrecht University, Netherlands
12, Sep 2022
"The polymorphic landscape of amyloid assembly revealed by AFM and individual particle structural reconstruction"
Dr. Wei-Feng Xue - University of Kent,UK
12, Sep 2022
"Amyloid polymorphism in neurodegenerative disease"
Dr. Per Hammarström - Linköping University, Sweden
02, May 2022
"Kinetics-Based Drug Discovery for Neurodegenerative Diseases"
Dr. Michele Vendruscolo - University of Cambridge, UK
02, May 2022
"Strains of Pathological Protein Aggregates in Neurodegenerative Diseases"
Dr. Joel Watts - University of Toronto, Canada
21, Feb 2022
“Toward early Diagnosis and Therapy of Alzheimer´s Disease”
Dr. Shai Rahimipour - Bar – IIan University, Israel
21, Feb 2022
“Thermodynamics of amyloid fibril formation”n”
Dr. Alexander Kai Büll Technical University of Denmark
14, Feb 2022
“Natural amyloid fibrils as catalysts of physiological and pathological reactions: a new paradigm in disease?”
Dr. Raz Jelinek Ben–Gurion University, Israel
14, Feb 2022
“Molecular Aspects of protein Aggregation”
Dr. Claudio Luchinat CERM, Florence, Italy
23, Sep 2021
Stabilization of α-synuclein oligomers using formaldehyde
Dr. Phelippe Do carmo Goncalves, Prof. Jésica Soledad Flores
09, Sep 2021
Inhibition of alpha-synuclein seeded fibril formation and toxicity by herbal medicinal extracts.
Dr. Francisco Hita
06, Jul 2021
Bacillus subtilis como organismo modelo para el estudio del rol de la microbiota en la prevención del aging y enfermedades neurodegenerativas
Dr. Roberto Grau
07, Jun 2021
"The small molecule inhibitor anle145c thermodynamically traps human islet amyloid peptide in the form of non-cytotoxic oligomers"
Dra. Carolina Arrúa
11, May 2021
Ciclo de Seminarios del MPLbioR
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27, Abr 2021
Neurobiología molecular y celular, polarización neuronal, estructura de citoesqueleto, dendritas y axones, redes y circuitos. Transporte axonal y enfermedades neurodegenerativas.
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25, Abr 2021
Lectura y discusión de Papers
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15, Oct 2020
"Prasinezumab Slows Progression On Measures Of Parkinson’s Disease In Phase 2 Study"
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08, Oct 2020
"Modeling Parkinson´s Disease in C. elegans"
Nicola Boeffinger
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01, Oct 2020
"Trans-synaptic and retrograde axonal spread of Lewy pathology following pre-formed fibril injection in an in vivo A53T alpha-synuclein mouse model of synucleinopathy"
Dr. Tomas de la Riestra
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24, Sep 2020
"LABSO-Bio y MPLbioR: 8 años de fructífera colaboración científica"
Dr. Nicolás A. Rey
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17, Sep 2020
"A Master Regulator of α‑Synuclein Aggregation"
Dr. Phelippe Gonçalves
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10, Sep 2020
"Discriminating α-synuclein strains in Parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy"
Dr. Francisco J. Hita
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03, Sep 2020
"Anti-amyloid compounds inhibit α-Synuclein aggregation induced by Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (PMCA)"
Dr. Francisco J. Hita
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